Who is Kreet Rosin?
Kreet is a spiritual teacher and a therapist. She has been seeing auras since childhood and started meditating (TM, Transendental Meditation) daily when she was eleven years old. Daily meditation practice has influenced her whole life and experiences. After graduating university (Business Management) she worked at top hotels of Estonia. At the same time she studied Reiki and other spiritual practices. Five years ago she quitted from Sales Manager position to devote herself to teaching and helping people with holistic therapies. She is a Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT, her teacher is Tron Enger) therapist, thought field therapist (TFT, her teacher is Kevin Laye from UK), a future life progression therapist (FLP, her teacher is Anne Jirsch from UK), a holistic therapist (Holistic Therapy Institute, Estonia), a Reiki Master/Teacher. Kreet intuitively utilises several different approaches and techniques for the best benefit for her clients.
Contact: [email protected]
Picture: Picture: Kreet is teaching
Contact: [email protected]
Picture: Picture: Kreet is teaching